Data API
Captisa Forms Data API provides a development experience that can be used across a wide variety of programming languages, platforms, and devices. The purpose is to let you get your form entries and use them whenever you see fit.
Captisa Forms API is a simple and powerful web service based on REST. It exposes your form entries via REST resources and the HTTP GET method. For example, you can query a set of fields from your form entries created today based on your View and Filter definitions. API supports JSON.
Getting Started
Below is an example to view form entries using PostMan.
1. Select a form from the form list.
2. Select the API button from the toolbar.
3. Generate API token, then click the Copy button. Paste the token ID into your text editor.
4. Select a View, then click the Copy button. Paste view ID into your text editor.
5. Select a Filter, then click the Copy button. Paste filter ID into your text editor.
6. Open PostMan.
7. Add a new tab and change the request method to GET.
8. Paste ‘’ in the URL field.
9. Select the Header tab.
10. Add the following headers:
Key: Token Value: [Paste Token ID from Step 3]
Key: ViewId Value: [Paste View ID from Step 4]
Key: FilterId Value: [Paste Filter ID from Step 5]
Key: Content-Type Value: application/json
11. Click Send button.
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